Aptronix - India's Local Apple Expert has collaborated with India's leading Digital Payments App Paytm to provide Paytm customers a perfect chance to win discount vouchers worth Rs.3,000 & Rs.5,000. One can win these coupons when they pay through Paytm and the same can be redeemed on a wide range of Apple products, including the latest iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, Apple Watches and other accessories during the launch of Aptronix’s India’s first Apple Premium Partner store in Phoenix Marketcity, Velachery, Chennai. 

The discount of Rs.3,000 & Rs.5,000 is over and above the in-store offers that will be available during the store launch period 24th - 26th February, 2023. The other benefits include Instant HDFC cashback of upto Rs.10,000 and Cashify’s exchange bonus upto Rs.10,000.

Here is how you can find and redeem your Paytm cashback scratch card:-

Step 1: You will receive a scratch card after completing the transaction through Paytm or you would already have some scratch cards under your cashback and offers page.

paytm cashback

Step 2: You would receive a coupon code within your scratch card.

 you won a scratch card

scratch card

Step 3: Visit Aptronix’s India’s first Apple Premium Partner store at Ground Floor (mall entrance), Phoenix Marketcity, Velachery, Chennai and show the coupon code at the time of billing.

Please note that the scratch cards are only for Chennai Paytm users.